Friday, October 3, 2008

Be Sexy

This is a SNAG ONLY entry.
Please don't claim my work as your own.
Ok ... onto life. I'm a little miffed this morning over something that happened last night. I was gonna post it at the time but I was so emotionaly drained that I thought better of myself.
Last night my kids came running in and said mommy don't be surprised if the neighbors parents come over saying that we were beating up her son. I asked what was going on & they told me that they were calling each other names and the little boy assumed that my kids were calling him names so he got pissed and said to my son "If you think your man enough to call me names then come fight me." My son told the kid he wasn't talking about him for one & for two he was so tiny he would snap him in half like a twig. (the kid is very small for his age). Anyway, my kids started calling each other names again ... the little guy came over & punched my daughter in the stomach than took off running. My son caught him & put him in a choke hold ... his older brother saw what was happening so he let the kid go ... the kid started punching my son so my daughter sat on him so my son could go talk to the older brother about what was going on. (their friends) The friend didn't want to hear anything that was going on just got DD off his brother & went into the house. So I told my kids just to stay in for the night and let them work out the problem next door. About this time I hear a loud bang on my front door. It was the mother & she wanted to know why my kids felt it neccessary to beat up her little boy. I said well if your son wouldn't have punchedm y daughter they wouldn't have felt the need to relaliate. She looked at her son and asked if he punched her & he said yup. No remose at all. So she asked why would you do that. He says cause they called my a girl.
She looks at my kids with just pure hate in her eyes ... why would you call my son names & don't tell me that you didn't cause I know you do it all the time. I said who wait a minute ... I know for a FACT that my kids call each names all the time that's our whole families way of picking at one another. My DD chimes in & said mam ... we tried to tell your son that we weren't calling him names but he didn't want to hear what we had to say just said that we were lyers & then he puched me. So we all hashed it out for several minutes when the mother comes off with well you can't play with each other for 2 weeks .. maybe you'll all learn to play nice. She starts to walk off so I said that's about the way I expected you to react. She comes back around the corner & aid & just what is that supposed to mean. I said whenever our kids bicker your solution is to keep them away from each other when reality would she be letting them work out their own problems. She went in to a little rant ... basically saying that they haven't come over & told me all the things my kids have done. Honestly ... I didn't care when she told me they were calling each other names ... their kids & that's what kids do. As long as they weren't disrespecting an adult I just didn't care. She couldn't believe that I didn't have a problem with my kids hitting hers. I said look ... your son hit my daughter ... I'm the one who should be pissed yet it's you who is pissed cause my kids did what I have taught them to do ... defend themselves! She walks off saying well they can't play for 2 weeks. I said no problem.
Here I thought all was well & good when about 5 minutes later I get a loud knock on my door. It's the mother ... again ... she wants to talk to my kids. So, I call my kids out again. She wants to know why they felt the need to chocke her son ... I said look I'm not trying to defend my kids cause choking is not acceptable ... before I could finish she said you just said a few minutes ago that it was fine. I said no ... I said if they are hit they have the right to defend themselves. Choking is not acceptable but hitting your kid back is. She said well he was running away from them so why did they have to chase him down? I said what it boils down to is your kid hit mine so he's fair game. She was so darned PO'ed. She said well it's still 2 weeks restriction from one another. I said you can do whatever you want with your kids but you are not gonna tell me my kids can't talk to yours. If they see them out expect them to be neighborly and say hi to your kids. She said oh well I don't care aboutt hat. I said well maybe you should tell your kids that because in the past they have told my kids that not only could they not talk to them that they couldn't even look their way without the fear of being grounded for longer. She said well that's simply not true. I said well I'm not saying you have said it I'm just stating a fact that your children believe it to be so. I told her that at the beginning of the summer I saw it with my own eyes how the kid wouldn't even look up when my son said h cause his dad was right in the yard with him. Of course she said it wasn't true but what can I do?
This is coming from people who lived for over a year with their sewage bubbling up into their yard. they had no reguard for the people around them having to smell their funk. We turned them in for the health violation & then she has the nerve to come over here & ask me if I turned them in. Her excuse ... we have been trying to get it fixed but it just cost to much money. Sorry ... not my problem. Once the were turned in they had it fixed in less than a week. guess they found a way to get it fixed!
I guess it's obvious I don't like my neighbor ... do you?


Sugar said...

nice tag. :)
i had to highligh your entry to be able to read it, grrr my old eyes.
have a good wkend.

Joyce said...

If mom had stayed out of it the kids would work it out between them. That's usually the case. You did all you could do. BTW, may I suggest that you darken your text. It's a little hard to read against the polka dots. Your site looks great though.
hugs, Joyce

ELLIE said...

girlfriend - if you need me to come on over and kick your neighbor's ass let me know - she is just beyond words..
you handled it so much more civil then me...
Kids do tend to work things out - but adults seem to take it to a level that is out of their league...hope all is quiet from now on...
take care--Ellie
p.s. the print is very hard to read against the background - sorry!!

Rose~* said...

I went through the drama when my daughters were in their teens - and I just told them to work it out by themselves. Thankfully, they never did get into anything physical - just the odd name calling and back stabbing stuff. Glad mine are adults now. I feel for you Emmi, and I know how difficult it is when you have neighbours like this. BTDT . . .

Rose~* said...

Oh, and I loved your Autumn tags, too! (((HUGS))

Diama ~*a.k.a*~ Cherry said...


Amanda said...

(((((((((((((((HUGSTOYOU))))))))))))))))))You did the right thing,it is hard livinv next to neighboors like that.Sounds to me like the Mom doesnt like you,that is her loss.We didnt have any kids living next to us whe we were little like we do now,how ever I am older.LOL.We never had to go through that.