Monday, October 13, 2008

Red Faced Embarrassment

<-- DD ... we had a lovely weekend. Friday DH took a sick day so we went shopping. Always love to shop!! We ended our shopping at the book store where DD picked up Twilight. I have been telling her all the good things I have been hearing about it so she decided "what the heck." and picked it out. She had the whole thing read by breakfast Saturday morning. She had stayed up until 4am reading it. She said she just couldn't put it down. Of course she begged us all weekend long to take her back to the book store so she could get another book in the series. Of course we said no cause we have other books here that she could read that she hasn't yet. She loved the book so much that she decided she would just read it again. She's now read it 2 full times and as of last night had started all over again. Must be a good book for her to read it 3 times in a row. <-- DS I think had a pretty good weekend. He spent most of it outside with the neighbor boy ... skate boarding. I don't know what he sees in that board but whatever it is I'm so thankful for. There was a time when even suggesting that he go outside to play would have been worse than death to him. He just hated going outside ... now it's all we can do to get him to come in when it gets dark outside. Of course he only wants to be outside to skate ... nothing else. Small steps I suppose! <-- DH & I ... we had company come over for a cook out. Dad was supposed to come along with baby brother but they had a wedding that they went to in Panama City on Saturday & were just to tired from the drive to come over. Our friends didn't make it though. She's the lady who brought her dogs over & one ended up biting by DD. We weren't sure we ever wanted her back over after she seemed so nonchalant over the bite ... she never once said she was sorry that her dog bit DD ... the dog was completely unprovoked ... DD still has scar tissue in her calf. Anyway, this time when we invited her we let her know that she couldn't bring her dogs. Thankfully she didn't. I had a "BOY WAS MY FACE RED" moment. We were watching Family Guy and it went to commercial break ... the female friend got up to go smoke a cig (can't smoke in my house) and every time someone gets up ... my Chihuahua's go crazy. It doesn't matter that they already know you ... I think their blind or something! Anyway DH made some obscene comments like my little Biotch opens her mouth for anything ... the little black bass-turd is a Percival sweet water .... just crude stuff. Well my blue chihuahua was sitting in my lap barking her little head off when DH points at her & says if you don't knock it off I'm gonna cock block you ... she snaps at him & I said hey, leave my snappin coochie alone. OMG ... the whole house bust into laughter before I even realized what I had said. All night long people were teasing me over the comment ... even this morning on our morning walk DH was teasing me. Geez ... was my face ever red! =D

So that was how my weekend went. Still have today to go ... don't know if we are doing anything or not. I want to check out sales in the area cause there's usually some good ones but who knows ...

I need to get some creativeness flowing in PSP. I didn't do much of anything in the group last week. Just enough to stay a part of it. Below is one of the creations I came up with. It's a SNAG ONLY creation.



Sugar said...

glad you had a nice wkend.
that was an embarrasing moment, hehehe.
cute tag.
have a good week.

Chris/cacklinrosie101 said...

Hahaha, Emmi, you crack me up. BTW: you and your family are soooo adorable! You and your hubby look so darned cute together. I really want to see the Twilight movie. I want to read the books and the True Blood series also. I haven't made a tag for a while. I'm too busy playing with the toys on my blog. Love ya!

Missie said...

We all need embarassing moments like that to make us laugh! LOL

AGirlNexDoorCreation said...

LOL...on the embarrassing moment..too funny...i have been trying to change the dang layout and back ground on my blogger...I so am mad at my lack of computer skills..LOL..have a good week...see ya in the mail..hugs,TerryAnn

Melissa said...

i wonder why that came out ,lol

Terri said...

haha..too funny!

Love the pics...


Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good weekend.
Great pics.

Bookncoffee said...

Our daughter has read Twilight as well as all the others that follow. She cannot wait til the movie comes out. My daughter stayed up all night too. Must be good. Maybe I should read it. he he

Barbara said...

Oh boy...I picked up the Twilight book just to see what all the hype was about and I couldn't put it down either! I'm 45! So, as soon as I could I ran to the store and bought the next book...and finished that in a day! I hated waiting till morning to get to the store and buy the next one! So, I went ahead and bought 3 & 4 at the same time. I loved need to start reading them, and then your DD will get to read them all!